MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0967
Type28A F W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode S781F24
03/05/2001N756NAroll out.
21/05/2001N756NAfirst flight.
03/06/2001N756NAdel GECAS.
03/06/2001N756NAbt Aviation Financial Services Inc.
03/06/2001N756NAlt North American Airlines.
12/06/2001N756NArgd to Aviation Financial Services Inc., Stamford, CT.
12/06/2001N756NAat Everett in full North American Airlines c/s.
03/01/2002N756NAferried Everett-Alexandria as NAO342.
02/09/2002N756NAat Lajes; named "Claudette Abrahams".
24/03/2005N756NAbt & rgd to AFS Investments 70 LCC, Stamford, CT; opb North American Airlines on lease.
22/12/2010N756NAsub-lt US Airways.
19/01/2011N207UWregistration reserved by US Airways.
11/03/2011N207UWUS Airways; re-rgd.
18/03/2011N207UWferried Mobile-Phoenix as AWE9253; after maintenance.
04/04/2011N207UWat Phoenix with blended winglets.
08/03/2012N207UWlease rejected to North American Airlines; US Airways probably took over lease.
09/12/2013N207UWUS Airways merged into American Airlines; new company operates as American Airlines.
06/01/2015N207UWferried Phoenix-Roswell as AWE9246; for repaint.
20/01/2015N207UWferried Roswell-Phoenix as AWE9242 in 2013 American Airlines c/s.
26/08/2015N207UWbt & rgd to US Airways Inc.
30/12/2015N207UWrgd to American Airlines Inc.
16/01/2020N207UWferried Phoenix/PHX-Mobile/BFM as AAL9606; for maintenance.
28/03/2020N207UWferried Mobile/BFM-Roswell/ROW as AAL9619; parked/stored.
04/02/2021N207UWrgd to Aersale Inc., Coral Gables, FL.
20/07/2022N207UWferried Roswell/ROW-Honolulu/HNL-Guam/GUM-Chengdu/CTU under registration (arrived 23/07/2022); for conversion to freighter.
07/04/2023N207UWregistration cancelled.
00/04/2023B-223Mrgd SF Airlines.
Marcel van Noordenne

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