MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0548
Type223 F W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4-B
Mode SC07712
06/04/1993N688AAroll out.
28/04/1993N688AAfirst flight.
12/05/1993N688AAdel & rgd to American Airlines; '5DF.
15/05/1993N688AAfirst service: Dallas/Fort Worth-Washington/National.
29/11/2006N688AAat Los Angeles with blended winglets (installed after 14/10/2006).
09/12/2013N688AAAmerican Airlines merged with US Airways into American Airlines.
08/04/2015N688AAFAA granted American Airlines single Operating Certificate.
28/06/2016N688AAlast service: Tulsa-Dallas/Fort Worth as AAL1292.
30/06/2016N688AAferried Dallas/Fort Worth-Roswell as AAL9661 (TT: 82829 hours; 22863 cycles); for storage.
05/04/2017N688AArgd to Jetran LLC, Horseshoe Bay, TX.
10/05/2017N688AArgd to Bank of Utah.
27/09/2017N688AAferried Roswell-Jacksonville/VQQ under registration; for conversion to freighter.
20/06/2018N688AAregistration cancelled.
21/06/2018C-GTCJrgd to Cargojet Airways Ltd.; '506'.
23/06/2019C-GTCJferried Jacksonville/VQQ-Hamilton/YHM as CJT997; after conversion to freighter.
Marcel van Noordenne

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