MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0471
Type27B W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode S400E4E
11/06/1992N1792Broll out.
10/07/1992N1792Bfirst flight.
00/00/1992N1792Bseen in all white c/s with "AWW" c/s.
18/11/1992C-GTSErgd to Air Transat A.T. Inc.
20/11/1992C-GTSEdel Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services.
20/11/1992C-GTSElt Air Transat.
12/09/1997C-GTSEbt Finova Capital Corporation, Phoenix, AZ; opb Air Transat on lease.
00/05/2000C-GTSEat Faro in 1999 Air Transat c/s (repainted after 08/08/1999).
28/05/2002C-GTSEret Finova Capital Plc.
28/05/2002C-GTSEregistration cancelled.
00/05/2002N310FVFinova Capital Plc; re-rgd.
18/11/2002N310FVbt Finova Capital Corporation.
09/01/2003N310FVrgd to Finova Capital Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ.
00/01/2003N310FVlt Ryan International (opf Sun Trips).
05/02/2003N310FVat Greeensboro.
15/02/2003N310FVat Denver in white c/s with "Sun Trips" titles and blue tail c/s.
00/02/2006N310FVret Finova Capital Corporation.
07/03/2006N310FVferried Oakland-Goose Bay-Southend as SXA308 (arrived 08/03/2006) in white c/s with blue tail c/s and "Sun Trips" titles crudely painted out.
08/03/2006N310FVbt Dart Group Plc.
09/03/2006N310FVregistration cancelled.
14/03/2006G-LSACrgd to Dart Group Plc., Bournemouth.
27/03/2006G-LSACregistration cancelled.
28/03/2006N254DGbt Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington, DE.
29/03/2006N254DGrgd to Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington, DE.
06/04/2006N254DGregistration cancelled.
06/04/2006G-LSACbt Dart Group Plc.
07/04/2006G-LSACrgd to Dart Group Plc.
07/05/2006G-LSACr/o at Southend in full Jet2 c/s; named "Jet2 Lanzarote".
19/05/2006G-LSACperformed a local test flight at Southend as EXS100E.
22/05/2006G-LSACferried Southend-Leeds/Bradford as EXS101E.
00/05/2006G-LSAClt Jet2.
03/02/2009G-LSACferried Manchester-Southend as EXS030P; for installation of blended winglets.
24/02/2009G-LSACferried Southend-Leeds/Bradford as EXS031E with blended winglets and extra "Friendly Low Fares" titles on fuselage.
19/10/2011G-LSACsub-lt Rak Airways; ferried to Dubai; will replace G-LSAK (which is understand to have a problem).
00/10/2011G-LSACret Jet2.
30/10/2011G-LSACat Palma; in service.
26/01/2013G-LSACat Tenerife in Jet2 Holidays c/s with "Jet2 Holidays" titles and "Package Holidays you can trust" titles (repainted after 00/12/2013).
21/03/2020G-LSAClast service: Tenerife/TFS-Manchester/MAN as EXS4112; parked because of COVID-19 pandemic.
06/11/2020G-LSACferried Manchester/MAN-Murcia/RMU as EXS035E; for continued storage.
18/04/2021G-LSACferried Murcia/RMU-Manchester/MAN as EXS030F; for maintenance before returning to service.
24/07/2021G-LSACret to service: Manchester/MAN-Split/SPU as EXS915.
03/11/2024G-LSAClast service: Fuerteventura/FUE-Manchester/MAN as EXS998.
04/11/2024G-LSACferried Manchester/MAN-St. Athan/DGX as EXS757; for part out and scrapping.
21/11/2024G-LSACregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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