MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0276
Type223 W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4-B
Mode SA8163E
06/03/1990N620AAroll out.
03/04/1990N620AAfirst flight.
17/04/1990N620AAdel American Airlines; '620'.
20/06/1990N620AAbt AT&T Credit Corporation; opb American Airlines on lease.
14/12/1999N620AArgd to First Union National Bank.
30/05/2002N620AArgd to Wachovia Bank.
11/08/2008N620AAat Los Angeles with blended winglets (installed after 21/06/2008).
16/03/2010N620AArgd to US Bank, Morristown, NJ.
04/04/2012N620AAlast service: Cancun-Dallas/Fort Worth as AAL1108.
01/05/2012N620AAlease rejected.
03/05/2012N620AAferried Dallas/Fort Worth-Roswell as AAL9656 (TT: 68561 hours; 24357 cycles).
30/10/2012N620AArepossessed by US Bank.
30/10/2012N620AAbt Aircraft Technical Support Sales II Corporation, Coral Springs, FL.
11/12/2013N620AAregistration cancelled.
00/00/0000N620AAaircraft acquired by Jet Midwest; for part out and scrapping.
00/00/2014 ?N620AAscrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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