MvN's Boeing 757 Website


N77867United Airlines
Line number1008
Type33N W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4-C
Mode SAA8A09
04/03/2002N558TZroll out.
23/03/2002N558TZfirst flight.
02/04/2002N558TZdel American Trans Air.
26/03/2002N558TZbt BCC Equipment Leasing Company; opb American Trans Air on lease.
28/06/2002N558TZrgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
19/03/2003N558TZcompany renamed ATA Airlines.
03/06/2005N77867registration reserved by Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
03/01/2006N558TZlast service: Honolulu-Los Angeles as TZ4754; ferried Los Angeles-Lake City as TZ____.
08/01/2006N558TZperformed a local test flight at Lake City; ret BCC Equipment Leasing Company.
13/01/2006N558TZlt Continental Airlines.
14/02/2006N77867Continental Airlines; re-rgd.
20/09/2006N77867at Newark in full Continental Airlines c/s.
26/10/2009N77867last service: Las Vegas-Houston as COA596; ferried Houston-Indianapolis as COA9971; for installation of blended winglets.
10/11/2009N77867ferried Indianapolis-Houston as COA9972 with blended winglets; in service: Houston-Fort Lauderdale as COA1648.
02/05/2010N77867Continental Airlines agreed with United Airlines to merge into United Airlines.
01/10/2010N77867Continental Airlines merged with United Airlines into United Airlines; '3867'.
24/03/2011N77867at Las Vegas in 2010 United Airlines c/s with "United" titles (titles applied after 23/01/2011).
19/03/2020N77867last service: Los Angeles/LAX-Denver/DEN as UAL1711.
22/03/2020N77867ferried Denver/DEN-Victorville/VCV as UAL2728; for parking because of COVID-19 virus.
05/01/2021N77867ferried Roswell/ROW-Goodyear/GYR-Greensboro/GSO as UAL2723; for maintenance.
18/04/2021N77867ferried Greensboro/GSO-Chicago/ORD as UAL2749; ret to service: Chicago/ORD-Houston/IAH as UAL1883.
Marcel van Noordenne

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