MvN's Boeing 757 Website


N57864United Airlines
Line number0985
Type33N W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4-C
Mode SA76F68
12/09/2001N554TZroll out.
27/09/2001N554TZfirst flight.
12/10/2001N554TZdel American Trans Air.
12/10/2001N554TZbt BCC Equipment Leasing Company; opb American Trans Air on lease.
28/12/2001N554TZrgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
19/03/2003N554TZcompany renamed ATA Airlines.
03/06/2005N57864registration reserved by Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
28/10/2005N554TZlast service: New Orleans-Salt Lake City as TZ5209; ferried Salt Lake City-Orlando as TZ225.
29/10/2005N554TZret to lessor; ferried Orlando-Lake City.
04/11/2005N554TZlt Continental Airlines.
06/11/2005N554TZferried Lake City-Amarillo as COA____; for repaint
30/12/2005N57864Continental Airlines; re-rgd.
12/01/2010N57864last service: Los Angeles-Houston as COA1094; ferried Houston-Indianapolis as COA9971; for installation of blended winglets.
28/01/2010N57864ferried Indianapolis-Newark as COA9971 with blended winglets.
29/01/2010N57864in service: Newark-San Juan as COA470.
02/05/2010N57864Continental Airlines agreed with United Airlines to merge into United Airlines.
01/10/2010N57864Continental Airlines merged with United Airlines into United Airlines; '3864'.
03/06/2011N57864at Cleveland in 2010 United Airlines c/s with "United" titles (titles applied after 20/02/2011).
28/03/2020N57864last service: Los Angeles/LAX-Denver/DEN as UAL1711; parked because of COVID-19 pandemic.
23/05/2020N57864ferried Denver/DEN-Orlando/MCO as UAL2722.
27/05/2020N57864ret to service: Orlando/MCO-Washington/IAD as UAL2379.
07/01/2025N57864ferried Chicago/ORD-Amarillo/AMA as UAL3888; for repaint.
20/01/2025N57864ferried Amarillo/AMA-Denver/DEN as UAL3891 in 2019 (Blue Evolution) United Airlines c/s.
Marcel van Noordenne

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