MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0864
Type236 F W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode S7816D5
02/04/1999N1795Broll out.
15/04/1999N1795Bfirst flight.
01/05/1999G-CPEUdel British Airways in 1997 British Airways c/s with "Rendezvous" tail c/s; ferried Boeing Field-London/Heathrow as BA1082E (arrived 02/05/1999).
01/05/1999G-CPEUbt CIT Group; opb British Airways on lease.
01/05/1999G-CPEUrgd to British Airways PLC.
06/05/1999G-CPEUfirst service: London/Heathrow-Geneva as BA724.
31/10/2002G-CPEUlast service: Copenhagen-London/Heathrow as BA819 (TT: 7848 hours; 5464 cycles).
03/11/2002G-CPEUentered hangar at London/Heathrow; for repaint into Air 2000 c/s.
22/11/2002G-CPEUperformed a local test flight at London/Heathrow as BA9277 in full Air 2000 c/s.
00/11/2002G-CPEUret CIT Group.
20/12/2002G-CPEUlt Air 2000; ferried London/Heathrow-Manchester as AMM757F.
08/01/2003G-CPEUrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
24/03/2003G-CPEUin service: Manchester-Arrecife as AMM118C.
13/01/2004G-CPEUAir 2000 renamed First Choice Airways.
25/03/2004G-CPEUat Lanzarote with "First Choice" titles (applied after 06/03/2004).
13/12/2005G-CPEUat Manchester with Monarch Engineering; wearing registration C-FLEU.
15/12/2005G-CPEUregistration cancelled.
15/12/2005C-FLEUsub-lt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.; ferried Manchester-Toronto as SSV390.
26/03/2006C-FLEUferried Toronto-Manchester as SSV391F in First Choice Airways c/s with "Skyservice" & "Signature Vacation" titles (arrived 27/03/2006).
30/03/2006C-FLEUregistration cancelled.
31/03/2006G-CPEUrgd to First Choice Airways Ltd.
28/05/2006G-CPEUat Manchester with "First Choice" titles (applied after 27/03/2006).
15/12/2006G-CPEUregistration cancelled.
15/12/2006C-FLEUsub-lt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.; ferried Manchester-Toronto as SSV390F
07/05/2007C-FLEUferried Hamilton-Manchester as SSV391F (arrived 08/05/2007).
09/05/2007C-FLEUregistration cancelled.
10/05/2007G-CPEUrgd to First Choice Airways Ltd.
07/12/2007C-FLEUsub-lt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.
10/12/2007C-FLEUferried Manchester-Toronto as SSV392F.
24/03/2008C-FLEUferried Toronto-Manchester as SSV391F (arrived 25/03/2008).
26/03/2008C-FLEUregistration cancelled.
26/03/2008G-CPEUrgd to First Choice Airways Ltd.
31/03/2008G-CPEUat Manchester with "Skyservice" and "" titles.
11/04/2008G-CPEUat Tenerife with "First Choice" titles.
13/10/2008G-CPEUrgd to Thomson Airways.
01/11/2008G-CPEUFirst Choice Airways merged with Thomsonfly into Thomson Airways.
16/12/2008G-CPEUregistration cancelled.
16/12/2008C-FLEUsub-lt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.
22/02/2009C-FLEUat Cancun with "Skyservice" and "" titles & blended winglets (installed after 28/09/2008).
08/04/2009C-FLEUferried Winnipeg-Manchester as SSV390.
14/04/2009C-FLEUregistration cancelled.
14/04/2009G-CPEUrgd to Thomson Airways.
00/11/2009G-CPEUarr Maastricht/Aachen; for repaint.
25/11/2009G-CPEUferried Maastricht/Aachen-Manchester as TOM9207P in Thomson Airways c/s with red "Thomson" titles.
16/12/2009G-CPEUregistration cancelled.
16/12/2009C-FLEUsub-lt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.
17/12/2009C-FLEUferried Manchester-Winnipeg as SSV9303 with "Skyservice" and "Sunquest" titles.
30/03/2010C-FLEUlast service: Cancun-Toronto as SSV2073.
31/03/2010C-FLEUSkyservice Airlines stopped operations.
16/04/2010C-FLEUferried Toronto-Keflavik-Prestwick-Manchester (arrived 20/04/2010).
30/04/2010C-FLEUregtistration cancelled.
30/04/2010G-CPEUrgd to Thomson Airways Ltd.
09/02/2013G-CPEUferried Leeds/Bradford-Norwich; for repaint.
13/02/2013G-CPEUferried Norwich-Leeds/Bradford in 2012 Thomson Airways c/s.
15/01/2017G-CPEUat Turin with "TUI" titles and "" titles on engine cowlings (applied after 16/12/2016).
02/10/2017G-CPEUcompany renamed TUI Airways.
29/10/2018G-CPEUlast service: Tenerife/TFS-Manchester/MAN as TOM587.
30/10/2018G-CPEUferried Manchester/MAN-Dubai/DWC-? as TOM9247/9248 (arrived 31/10/2018); for maintenance.
19/01/2019G-CPEUferried Jieyang Chaoshan/SWA-Tokyo/NRT as TOM___.
22/01/2019G-CPEUferried Tokyo/HND-Seattle/BFI-Goodyear as TOM89P/90P.
23/01/2019G-CPEUregistration cancelled.
23/01/2019N496SRrgd to Bank of Utah (for Sojitz Aircraft Leasing).
22/03/2019N496SRferried Goodyear/GYR-Phoenix/PHX-Honolulu/HNL-Saipan/GSN-Chengdu/CTU (arrived 25/03/2019) under registration in full TUI Airways c/s; for conversion to freighter.
25/03/2019N496SRregistration cancelled.
00/03/2019B-20AWrgd to SF Airlines.
05/09/2019B-20AWhanded over to SF Airlines after conversion to freighter.
Marcel van Noordenne

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