MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0920
Type256 W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SE200DD
Name"Islas Malvinas"
25/02/2000EC-HIProll out.
16/03/2000EC-HIPfirst flight.
24/04/2000EC-HIPdel Iberia; named "Panama".
00/04/2005EC-HIPret lessor.
10/05/2005EC-HIPat Madrid in full Air Astana c/s.
29/05/2005EC-HIPat Madrid in full Air Astana c/s.
00/00/2005P4-MASlease to Air Astana - not taken up.
29/09/2005EC-HIPferried Madrid-Lasham as IBE____ in full Air Astana c/s.
29/09/2005N757AGbt Funair Corporation (from The Destiny Limited Partnership).
30/09/2005N757AGrgd to Funair Corporation, Miami, FL.
21/10/2005N757AGferried London/Luton-Bangor-Goodyear in Air Astana c/s; for storage.
28/11/2005N757AGat Goodyear in Air Astana c/s without titles; stored.
09/03/2006N757AGat Goodyear in Air Astana c/s without titles; stored.
03/05/2006N757AGferried Goodyear-Kelowna in Air Astana c/s without titles; for installation of blended winglets.
31/08/2007N757AGferried New Iberia-Gander-Basle (arrived 01/09/2006) in new c/s without titles.
09/09/2010N757AGperformed a local test flight as Basle before re-delivery.
14/12/2010N757AGat Basle with blue/purple waving line along fuselage.
20/12/2011N757AGferried Basle-Hamburg; for short term storage.
27/04/2012N757AGferried Hamburg-Basle.
07/07/2012N757AGferried Basle-Hamburg; for continued storage.
16/01/2014N757AGferried Hamburg-Dallas/Love Field.
02/12/2014N757AGat Dallas/Love Field.
06/12/2014N757AGat Phoenix/IWA.
05/08/2015N757AGat Burbank in all white c/s with black/grey waving lines along fuselage (repainted after 03/05/2015).
26/01/2017N757AGrgd to Validus Aviation 757 LLC, Tampa, FL.
00/00/2018N757AGfor sale (TT: 12322 hours; 8374 landings).
01/04/2021N757AGferried Kansas City/MCI-Saratoga/SRQ as ELX757; for storage.
25/10/2022N757AGat Saratoga/SRQ; stored.
00/00/0000N757AGferried Saratoga/SRQ-Lake Charles/CWF.
31/03/2023N757AGferried Lake Charles/CWF-Salina/SLN as ELX757.
11/04/2023N757AGregistration cancelled.
00/04/2023ARG-01rgd to Fuerza Aérea Argentina.
12/05/2023ARG-01performed a local airtest at Salina/SLN as AR1 in Fuerza Aérea Argentina c/s; named "Islas Malvinas".
17/05/2023ARG-01ferried Salina/SLN-Dallas/DAL as AR1.
19/05/2023ARG-01ferried Dallas/DAL-Miami/MIA as AR1.
25/05/2023ARG-01ferried Miami/MIA-Buenos Aires/AEP as AR1 on delivery.
Marcel van Noordenne

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