MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0861
Type204 F W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SC045A7
19/03/1999N1786Broll out.
27/03/1999N1786Bfirst flight.
13/04/1999G-BYAYdel International Lease Finance Corporation.
13/04/1999G-BYAYlt Britannia Airways.
14/04/1999G-BYAYarr London/Luton on ferry flight from U.S.A.
19/04/1999G-BYAYfirst service: London/Gatwick-Palma.
07/12/2001G-BYAYat Arrecife with Swedish flag near registration.
09/03/2002G-BYAYat Salzburg with extra "" titles on aft fuselage.
09/05/2005G-BYAYcompany renamed Thomsonfly.
12/05/2005G-BYAYat London/Gatwick in 'World of TUI' c/s with "" titles (repainted after 11/04/2005).
01/11/2008G-BYAYcompany renamed Thomson Airways.
00/03/2009G-BYAYferried Manchester-Kelowna as TOM92__; for installation of blended winglets.
26/04/2009G-BYAYferried Kelowna-Newcastle as TOM9203 with blended winglets.
13/02/2013G-BYAYferried Birmingham-Norwich; for repaint.
20/02/2013G-BYAYferried Norwich-Leeds/Bradford in 2012 Thomson Airways c/s.
16/02/2017G-BYAYat Manchester with "TUI" titles and "" titles on engine cowlings (applied after 31/12/2016).
02/10/2017G-BYAYcompany renamed TUI Airways.
23/03/2020G-BYAYlast service: Hurghada/HRG-Birmingham/BHX as TOM843.
24/03/2020G-BYAYferried Birmingham/BHX-Glasgow/GLA as TOM939P; for parking because of COVID-19 pandemic.
06/08/2020G-BYAYferried Glasgow/GLA-Birmingham/BHX as TOM902P.
07/08/2020G-BYAYret to service: Birmingham/BHX-Rhodes/RHO as TOM735.
06/10/2020G-BYAYlast service: Antalya/AYT-Birmingham/BHX as TOM755 (arrived 07/10/2020); to receive end of lease maintenance.
10/11/2020G-BYAYferried Birmingham/BHX-Bangor/BGR-Marana/MZJ as TOM922P/923P (arrived 11/11/2020); for storage.
13/11/2020G-BYAYregistration cancelled.
19/11/2020N28836rgd to Bank of Utah.
30/01/2021N28836at Marana/MZJ in TUI Airways c/s without titles and tail logo; stored.
07/10/2021N28836ferried Marana/MZJ-Honolulu/HNL-Guam/GUM-Xiamen/XMN under registration (arrived 16/10/2021).
27/04/2022N28836at Xiamen/XMN in full Cargojet Airways c/s; conversion to freighter completed.
29/04/2022N28836ferried Xiamen/XMN-Guam/GUM-Honolulu/HNL-Oakland/OAK-Hamilton/YHM as ELX288 (arrived 01/05/2022).
03/05/2022N28836registration cancelled.
06/05/2022C-GAJUrgd to Cargojet Airways Ltd.; '510'.
11/05/2022C-GAJUentered service: Hamilton/YHM-Calgary/YYC as CJT8511.


Marcel van Noordenne

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