MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0792
Type2Q8 W
EnginesPratt & Whitney PW2040
Mode SA9BBD7
Name"St. Columbanus/Columbán"
04/02/1998OH-LBSroll out.
18/02/1998OH-LBSfirst flight.
09/03/1998OH-LBSdel International Lease Finance Corporation.
09/03/1998OH-LBSlt Finnair.
30/04/2001OH-LBSsub-lt Air Scandic.
00/09/2001OH-LBSret Finnair.
30/04/2002OH-LBSsub-lt Air Scandic.
00/00/2002OH-LBSret Finnair.
29/04/2006OH-LBSsub-lt Excel Airways in Finnair c/s with "Excel Airways" titles.
00/00/2006OH-LBSret Finnair.
14/10/2006OH-LBSat Palma in full Finnair c/s.
17/05/2007OH-LBSat Budapest in 2002 Finnair c/s with blended winglets (repainted and installed after 21/04/2007).
00/08/2007OH-LBSsub-lt XL Airways in Finnair c/s with "XL Airways" titles.
23/08/2007OH-LBSat Newcastle in Finnair c/s with "XL Airways" titles.
31/10/2007OH-LBSret Finnair; ferried Newcastle-Helsinki.
24/12/2013OH-LBSferried Helsinki-Shannon as FIN8961.
04/02/2014OH-LBSferried Shannon-Norwich as FIN8951; for repaint.
14/02/2014OH-LBSferried Norwich-Shannon as FIN8952 in full Aer Lingus c/s; named "St. Columbanus/Columbán".
18/02/2014OH-LBSat Shannon; wearing registration EI-LBS.
21/02/2014EI-LBSrgd to Air Contractors.
00/02/2014EI-LBSsub-lt Aer Lingus.
21/03/2014EI-LBSin service: Shannon-Boston as EI135.
05/06/2015EI-LBSAir Contractors renamed ASL Airlines Ireland; lease to Aer Lingus continues.
10/11/2019EI-LBSlast service: New York/JFK-Shannon/SNN as EIN110 (arrived 11/11/2019).
12/11/2019EI-LBSat Shannon/SNN; titles and tail logo removed.
18/12/2019EI-LBSferried Shannon/SNN-Bangor/BGR as ABR752P.
19/12/2019EI-LBSferried Bangor/BGR-Goodyear/GYR as ABR753P; for conversion to freighter.
26/12/2019N726WNrgd to UMB Bank.
07/07/2021N726WNat Goodyeaer/GYR in Aer Lingus c/s without titles and tail logo; missing both engines; stored.
05/08/2021N726WNrgd to Aersale Inc., Coral Gables, FL.
29/03/2022N726WNat Goodyear/GYR.
25/01/2023N726WNat Goodyear/GYR.
26/04/2023N726WNat Goodyear/GYR; all usable parts removed; still standing on landing gear.
02/02/2024N726WNat Goodyear/GYR; all usable parts removed; still standing on landing gear.
26/04/2024N726WNat Goodyear/GYR; all usable parts removed; still standing on landing gear.
19/12/2024N726WNat Goodyear/GYR.
Marcel van Noordenne

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