MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0602
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode S683268
26/01/1994G-BYARroll out.
15/02/1994G-BYARfirst flight.
01/03/1994G-BYARdel & rgd to Britannia Airways.
02/03/1994G-BYARarr London/Luton as BAL757A on ferry flight from U.S.A.
16/03/2002G-BYARat London/Luton in basic Britannia Airways c/s; parked.
23/03/2002G-BYARret Itochu Airliease.
04/04/2002G-BYARferried London/Luton-Maastricht/Aachen as BAL970F; for repaint.
00/04/2002PH-AHSAir Holland - lease not taken up.
20/04/2002G-BYARlt Air Holland.
00/05/2002G-BYARret Itochu Airlease.
10/05/2002G-BYARferried Maastricht/Aachen-Manchester as BAL999F in full Air Holland c/s.
00/05/2002G-BYARat Manchester; stored.
17/07/2002G-BYARferried Manchester-London/Luton as BAL899F; for maintenance.
18/07/2002G-BYARferried London/Luton-Amsterdam.
18/07/2002G-BYARregistration cancelled.
18/07/2002PH-AHTlt Delsey Airlines.
18/07/2002PH-AHTsub-lt Air Holland.
22/07/2002PH-AHTrgd to Air Holland I B.V.
23/07/2002PH-AHTin service: Amsterdam-Bodrum as HLN213.
06/10/2002PH-AHTrepossessed by Itochu Airlease Company.
10/10/2002PH-AHTbt Itochu Airlease B.V.; ferried Amsterdam-Manchester as HLN013; for storage.
23/10/2002PH-AHTrgd to Itochu Airlease B.V., Amsterdam.
10/04/2003PH-AHTat Manchester in full Air Holland c/s; stored.
21/05/2003PH-AHTferried Manchester-London/Luton; for repaint.
05/06/2003PH-AHTregistration cancelled.
05/06/2003G-BYARlt & rgd to Britannia Airways.
13/06/2003G-BYARferried London/Luton-London/Gatwick as BAL880F in all white c/s with red "Britannia" titles and TUI tail logo.
24/02/2005G-BYARferried London/Gatwick-Maastricht/Aachen as BAL99F; for repaint.
00/03/2005G-BYARdep Maastricht/Aachen in 'World of TUI' c/s with "" titles.
09/05/2005G-BYARBritannia Airways renamed
14/03/2008G-BYARlast service: Las Palmas-London/Gatwick; ferried London/Gatwick-London/Luton as TOM83P.
28/03/2008G-BYARregistration cancelled.
28/03/2008LY-FLGlt FlyLAL - Lithuanian Airlines.
29/03/2008LY-FLGferried London/Luton-La Union-San Jose (Costa Rica) as LIL9907; for C-check and repaint.
21/05/2008LY-FLGferried San Jose-Gander-Vilnius in full FlyLAL c/s (arrived 22/05/2008).
17/01/2009LY-FLGFlyLAL - Lithuanian Airlines ceased operations.
18/01/2009LY-FLGlt FlyLAL Charters.
19/05/2009LY-FLGferried Vilnius-Norwich; for repaint.
21/05/2009LY-FLGferried Norwich-Vilnius in all white c/s.
22/05/2009LY-FLGsub-lt SCAT; ferried Vilnius-Shimkent.
28/08/2009LY-FLGat St. Petersburg in all white c/s with "SCAT" titles and tail logo.
25/05/2011LY-FLGat Almaty with added blue on fuselage and tail.
25/05/2013LY-FLGat Antalya in full Sunday Airlines c/s (repainted after 27/01/2013).
07/05/2018LY-FLGat Almaty in new Sunday Airlines c/s (repainted after 07/01/2018).
25/12/2022UP-B5705last service: Rayong/UTP-Almaty/ALA as VSV5308; for storage.
08/08/2023UP-B5705ferried Almaty/ALA-Istanbul/SAW as VSV5235; for maintenance?
08/09/2023UP-B5705ferried Istanbul/SAW-Almaty/ALA as VCV5250; after maintenance?
28/10/2023UP-B5705ret to service: Almaty/ALA-Phuket/HKT as VSV5202.
Marcel van Noordenne

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