MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0452
Type204 W
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E$
Mode SAC77DA
06/04/1992G-BYAEroll out.
29/04/1992G-BYAEfirst flight.
12/05/1992G-BYAEdel Britannia Airways.
13/05/1992G-BYAEarr London/Luton as BAL757A on ferry flight from U.S.A.
01/11/1994G-BYAEsub-lt Icelandair.
00/11/1994G-BYAEat Luxembourg in Britannia Airways c/s without titles.
16/12/1994G-BYAEat Stockholm/Arlanda in Britannia Airways c/s with "Icelandair" titles.
21/04/1995G-BYAEret Britannia Airways; ferried Keflavik-London/Luton.
13/02/1999G-BYAEferried Monastir-Maastricht/Aachen as BAL874B; for repaint.
23/02/1999G-BYAEferried Maastricht/Aachen-Goteborg as BLX903X; after repaint.
00/03/2004G-BYAEarr Maastricht/Aachen; for repaint.
25/03/2004G-BYAEat Maastricht/Aachen in 'World of TUI' c/s with "" titles.
00/04/2005G-BYAEarr Maastricht/Aachen; for repaint.
24/04/2005G-BYAEferried Maastricht/Aachen-London/Gatwick as BAL990P in 'World of TUI' c/s with "" titles.
09/05/2005G-BYAEBritannia Airways renamed
00/10/2008G-BYAErgd to Thomson Airways Ltd.
01/11/ renamed Thomson Airways.
03/04/2009G-BYAElast service: Hurghada-Manchester as TOM296.
04/04/2009G-BYAEferried Manchester-Shannon as TOM9821.
29/06/2009G-BYAEferried Shannon-Bangor-Goodyear as TOM9238 (arrived 30/06/2009); for lease return and storage.
03/07/2009G-BYAEregistration cancelled.
09/07/2009N964BVbt Wells Fargo Bank Northwest (from Aercap Partners Ltd.).
10/07/2009N964BVrgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
06/08/2009N964BVat Goodyear in all white c/s; stored.
23/08/2009N964BVat Goodyear in all white c/s; stored.
16/09/2009N964BVat Goodyear in all white c/s; stored.
30/03/2010N964BVferried Goodyear-Everett; for installation of blended winglets.
31/03/2010N964BVbt Sunrise Asset Management LLC.
10/05/2010N902NVregistration reserved by Sunrise Asset Management LLC.
30/08/2010N964BVlt Allegiant Air.
30/10/2010N964BVat Boeing Field in full Allegiant Air c/s with "Allegiant" and "Travel is our deal" titles; wearing registration N902NV.
10/11/2010N902NVAllegiant Air; re-rgd.
14/11/2010N902NVat Everett with blended winglets.
27/02/2017N902NVlast service: Bismarck-Las Vegas as AAY487.
10/03/2017N902NVferried Las Vegas-Victorville as AAY9902; for lease return and storage.
19/05/2017N902NVat Victorville; stored.
23/02/2019N902NVregistration cancelled.
25/04/2019N902NVat Victorville/VCV: missing both engines and radome; for part out and scrapping.
08/03/2020N902NVat Victorville/VCV: missing both engines and radome.
17/10/2022N902NVat Victorville/VCV: missing both engines and radome.
21/01/2023N902NVat Victorville/VCV.
04/10/2023N902NVat Victorville/VCV.
Marcel van Noordenne

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