MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0456
EnginesPratt & Whitney PW2037
Mode SA8F60F
20/04/1992N677DLroll out.
12/05/1992N677DLfirst flight.
22/05/1992N677DLdel Delta Air lines; '677'.
26/05/1992N677DLrgd to Delta Air Lines Inc.
00/04/2003N677DLat Phoenix in 2000 Delta Air Lines c/s with "Delta" titles (repainted after 12/11/2002).
28/07/2009N677DLmoved into hangar at Atlanta; for repaint.
03/08/2009N677DLr/o at Atlanta in 2007 Delta Air Lines c/s with "Delta" titles.
30/11/2011N677DLlast service: Las Vegas-Atlanta as DAL2203.
01/12/2011N677DLferried Atlanta-Marana as DAL9933 (TT: 64477 hours; 210649 cycles); for storage.
25/10/2013N677DLat Marana; stored.
28/03/2015N677DLat Marana; stored.
09/06/2016N677DLat Marana; stored.
21/10/2017N677DLat Marana; missing both engines; missing all passenger doors; windows taped off; still on landing gear; being parted out and scrapped.
28/01/2018N677DLat Marana; missing both engines; missing all passenger doors; windows taped off; still on landing gear; being parted out and scrapped.
30/10/2018N677DLregistration cancelled.
00/00/2018N677DLscrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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