MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0549
Type204 F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SAD72F1
08/04/1993G-BYALroll out.
30/04/1993G-BYALfirst flight.
13/05/1993G-BYALdel International Lease Finance Corporation.
13/05/1993G-BYALlt & rgd to Britannia Airways.
14/05/1993G-BYALarr London/Luton as BAL757A on ferry flight from U.S.A.
00/00/1997G-BYALat London/Luton with large "Keep Duty Free" titles on aft fuselage.
23/02/1999G-BYALferried Coventry-Maastricht/Aachen as BAL994F; for repaint.
28/02/1999G-BYALferried Maastricht/Aachen-Cardiff as BAL998F; after repaint.
06/12/2002G-BYALferried Cardiff-Maastricht/Aachen as BAL971F; for repaint.
13/12/2002G-BYALferried Maastricht/Aachen-Manchester as BAL970F in 'World of TUI' c/s with "Britannia" titles.
07/12/2004G-BYALarr Maastricht/Aachen; for change of titles.
08/12/2004G-BYALr/o at Maastricht/Aachen in 'World of TUI' c/s with "" titles.
09/05/2005G-BYALBritannia Airways renamed
01/11/2008G-BYALThomsonfly merged with First Choice Airways into Thomson Airways.
19/04/2012G-BYALlast service: Luxor-London/Gatwick as TOM243.
20/04/2012G-BYALferried London/Gatwick-Shannon as TOM9286; prior to lease return.
17/05/2012G-BYALferried Shannon-London/Gatwick as TOM9221 in basic Thomson Airways c/s.
24/05/2012G-BYALret International Lease Finance Corporation.
24/05/2012G-BYALregistration cancelled.
24/05/2012N966FDbt & rgd to Federal Express Corporation.
25/05/2012N966FDferried London/Gatwick-Bangor-Victorville as FDX9081 (arrived 26/05/2012).
27/11/2012N966FDferried Victorville-Anchorage-Osaka/Kansai-Singapore/Seletar as FDX9053 (arrived 30/11/2012); for conversion to freighter.
01/05/2013N966FDferried Singapore/Seletar-Osaka/Kansai-Anchorage-Memphis as FDX9088 (arrived 03/05/2013).
00/05/2013N966FDin service: Memphis-?; named "Kiana".
Marcel van Noordenne

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