MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0310
Type222 W
EnginesPratt & Whitney PW2040
Mode SA67D33
30/07/1990N517UAroll out.
23/08/1990N517UAfirst flight.
24/09/1990N517UAdel & rgd to United Airlines; '5317'.
24/09/1990N517UAbt Crown Lease Company Ltd.; opb United Airlines on lease.
09/06/1995N517UAbt Finova Capital Corporation; opb United Airlines on lease.
09/06/1995N517UArgd to Wilmington Trust Company.
19/07/2004N517UAbt Wells Fargo Bank Northwest; opb United Airlines on lease.
20/07/2004N517UArgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
04/12/2004N517UAat San Francisco in 2004 United Airlines c/s (repainted after 14/11/2004).
30/10/2007N517UAr/o at Greensboro with blended winglets.
02/11/2007N517UAferried Greensboro-New York/JFK as UAL9834.
02/05/2010N517UAUnited Airlines agreed with Continental Airlines to merge into United Airlines.
01/10/2010N517UAUnited Airlines merged with Continental Airlines into United Airlines.
03/02/2013N517UAlast service: ?-San Francisco.
12/02/2013N517UAbt United Air Lines Inc.
22/02/2013N517UArgd to United Air Lines Inc.
28/02/2013N517UAferried San Francisco-Tupelo as UAL6878; for part-out and scrapping.
14/06/2013N517UAat Tupelo in full 2004nited Airlines c/s; missing tail rudder, both engines, nose cone; large part cut out on left side aft fuselage.
13/07/2013N517UAat Tupelo; missing tail rudder, both engines and various parts.
22/08/2013N517UAat Tupelo; missing tail rudder, both engines, various parts, and part of roof.
00/00/2014N517UAscrapping completed (not present 25/03/2015).
Marcel van Noordenne

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