Line number | 0279 |
Type | 236 F |
Engines | Rolls Royce RB211-535E4 |
Mode S | C01AA6 |
Configuration | Freighter |
Name | |
Date | Registration | Remarks |
19/03/1990 | G-BRJI | roll out. |
12/04/1990 | G-BRJI | first flight. |
30/04/1990 | G-BRJI | del Air Europe. |
30/04/1990 | G-BRJI | bt Electra Aviation Ltd.; opb Air Europe on lease. |
01/05/1990 | G-BRJI | arr London/Gatwick as AOE005P on ferry flight from U.S.A. |
03/05/1990 | EC-446 | sub-lt Air Europa. |
10/07/1990 | EC-EVC | Air Europa; re-rgd. |
08/03/1991 | EC-EVC | Air Europe ceased operations; Electra Aviation now leases aircraft direct to Air Europa. |
00/06/1992 | EC-786 | bt B757 Aviation Ltd.; opb Air Europa on lease. |
25/07/1992 | EC-FMQ | Air Europa; re-rgd. |
16/02/1993 | EC-FMQ | ret B757 Aviation Ltd. |
16/02/1993 | EC-FMQ | bt Rednall Ltd. |
24/02/1993 | EC-FMQ | at Cardiff; markings taped over. |
25/02/1993 | G-BRJI | rgd to Rednall Ltd. |
03/02/1994 | G-BRJI | arr Southend. |
15/02/1994 | G-BRJI | r/o at Southend in full Ambassador Airways c/s; ferried Southend-London/Gatwick. |
15/02/1994 | G-BRJI | lt Ambassador Airways. |
11/03/1994 | G-BRJI | in service: London/Gatwick-Tenerife. |
27/11/1994 | G-BRJI | last service: Milan/Malpensa-London/Gatwick. |
30/11/1994 | G-BRJI | repossessed by Rednall Ltd. |
20/12/1994 | G-BRJI | at London/Gatwick in basic Ambassador Airways c/s with 'bits' missing. |
16/01/1995 | G-BRJI | ferried London/Gatwick-Belfast; for storage. |
00/00/1995 | G-BRJI | seen in basic Ambassador Airways c/s without titles. |
04/03/1995 | G-BRJI | arr Southend in basic Ambassador Airways c/s. |
08/03/1995 | G-BRJI | r/o at Southend in full Venus Airlines c/s with registration SX-BBZ under wings. |
10/03/1995 | G-BRJI | ferried Southend-London/Gatwick. |
14/03/1995 | G-BRJI | r/o at London/Gatwick with registration SX-BBZ on fuselage. |
20/03/1995 | G-BRJI | registration cancelled. |
20/03/1995 | SX-BBZ | lt Venus Airlines. |
10/05/1995 | SX-BBZ | ferried Athens-London/Gatwick; for maintenance. |
02/11/1996 | SX-BBZ | at London/Heathrow in British Airways maintenance area. |
08/11/1996 | SX-BBZ | ret to Rednall Ltd. |
11/11/1996 | G-BRJI | rgd to Rednall Ltd. |
30/01/1997 | G-BRJI | at London/Heathrow in British Airways maintenance area. |
22/04/1997 | G-BRJI | bt & rgd to Babcock & Brown Aircraft Holdings 20 Ltd. |
24/04/1997 | G-BRJI | ferried London/Heathrow-Keflavik as TWE001. |
07/05/1997 | G-BRJI | registration cancelled. |
08/05/1997 | SE-DUO | lt Blue Scandinavia. |
10/05/1997 | SE-DUO | in service: Stockholm/Arlanda-Malmo. |
01/01/1998 | SE-DUO | operational name change to Britannia Airways AB. |
25/01/1998 | SE-DUO | arr Southend; for repaint. |
03/02/1998 | SE-DUO | ferried Southend-Stockholm/Arlanda in full Britannia Airways c/s. |
04/02/1998 | SE-DUO | in service: Stockholm/Arlanda-Banjul. |
20/02/2002 | SE-DUO | registration cancelled. |
20/02/2002 | G-CDUO | sub-lt Britannia Airways. |
12/03/2002 | G-CDUO | in service: London/Luton-Alicanta as BAL422A. |
16/03/2002 | G-CDUO | at Salzburg with extra "" titles on rear fuselage; still in old c/s. |
18/04/2004 | G-CDUO | arr Maastricht/Aachen; for repaint. |
24/04/2004 | G-CDUO | r/o at Maastricht/Aachen in full 'World of TUI" c/s with "" titles. |
08/04/2005 | G-CDUO | at Tenerife in 'World of TUI' c/s with "Thomsonfly" titles (titles applied after 19/03/2005). |
09/05/2005 | G-CDUO | Britannia Airways renamed Thomsonfly. |
29/09/2005 | G-CDUO | ferried London/Gatwick-London/Luton as BAL996P. |
06/10/2005 | G-CDUO | registration cancelled. |
07/10/2005 | PH-AAR | Britannia Airways Ltd.; re-rgd. |
11/10/2005 | PH-AAR | registration cancelled. |
11/10/2005 | SE-DUO | ret Britannia Airways AB. |
12/10/2005 | SE-DUO | rgd to SE-DUO NBB Ble Scandinavia Lease Partnership One, Tokyo, Japan. |
13/10/2005 | SE-DUO | ferried London/Luton-Maastricht/Aachen as BLX965P. |
14/10/2005 | SE-DUO | at Stockholm/Arlanda in 'World of TUI' c/s without titles. |
20/10/2005 | SE-DUO | at Helsinki in 'World of TUI' c/s with large "" titles (applied after 14/10/2005). |
10/04/2006 | SE-DUO | at Stockholm/Arlanda in 'World of TUI' c/s with large "" titles. |
00/05/2006 | SE-DUO | company renamed TUIfly Nordic. |
27/02/2007 | SE-DUO | rgd to Joydell Ltd., Ireland; opb TUIfly Nordic on lease. |
00/00/2008 | SE-DUO | ret to lessor. |
07/03/2008 | SE-DUO | ferried Stockholm/Arlanda-Gander-Jacksonville/VQQ; for conversion to freighter. |
10/03/2008 | SE-DUO | registration cancelled. |
10/03/2008 | C-FKCJ | rgd to Cargojet Airways Ltd.;'501'. |
00/06/2008 | C-FKCJ | conversion to freighter completed by Precision Conversions at Jacksonville/VQQ. |
25/07/2008 | C-FKCJ | ferried Jacksonville/VQQ-Wilmington. |
05/08/2008 | C-FKCJ | ferried Wilmington-Hamilton as CJT901 in full Cargojet Airways c/s. |
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