MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0272
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SA65167
16/02/1990G-BRJGroll out.
14/03/1990G-BRJGfirst flight.
27/03/1990G-BRJGdel Air Europe.
27/03/1990G-BRJGbt Sunrock Aircraft Corporation; opb Air Europe on lease.
28/03/1990G-BRJGarr London/Gatwick as AOE002 on ferry flight from U.S.A.
18/04/1990G-BRJGsub-lt Air Europe SpA; ferried London/Gatwick-Rome/Ciampino as AEL001F.
22/02/1991G-BRJGret Air Europe.
06/03/1991G-BRJGlast service: Las Palmas-London/Gatwick as AOE645.
08/03/1991G-BRJGAir Europe ceased operations due to bankruptcy of its parent company International Lease Group.
16/03/1991G-BRJGrepossessed by Sunrock Aircraft Corporation; ferried London/Gatwick-Norwich.
05/04/1991G-BRJGferried London/Gatwick-London/Luton in full Air Europe c/s; for storage.
08/04/1991G-BRJGat London/Luton in basic Air Europe c/s without titles.
07/05/1991G-BRJGarr Southend in basic Air Europe c/s.
10/05/1991G-BRJGr/o at Southend in full Air Holland c/s; not wearing registration.
12/05/1991G-BRJGferried Southend-Amsterdam as AHD098.
14/05/1991G-BRJGregistration cancelled.
14/05/1991PH-AHNlt Air Holland.
15/05/1991PH-AHNin service: Amsterdam-Mahon.
00/05/1991PH-AHNsub-lt Air UK Leisure.
11/06/1991PH-AHNret Air Holland.
30/09/1991PH-AHNAir Holland ceased operations.
03/10/1991PH-AHNret Sunrock Aircraft Corporation; ferried Amsterdam-London/Luton.
07/10/1991PH-AHNferried London/Luton-Southend.
10/10/1991PH-AHNr/o at Southend in full Air Aruba c/s with registration P4-AAA taped over; ferried Southend-London/Luton.
11/10/1991PH-AHNregistration cancelled.
11/10/1991P4-AAAlt Air Aruba; ferried London/Luton-Newark.
14/10/1991P4-AAAat Amsterdam as FQ999.
04/04/1992P4-AAAlast service: Aruba-Newark; ret to Sunrock Aircraft Corporation.
06/04/1992P4-AAAferried Newark-London/Gatwick.
09/04/1992G-IEADlt & rgd to Inter European Airways in basic Air Aruba c/s with "Inter European" titles and 'IEA' on tail.
10/04/1992G-IEADin service: London/Gatwick-Tenerife.
03/11/1992G-IEADret Sunrock Aircraft Corporation.
04/11/1992G-IEADat London/Heathrow in basic Air Aruba c/s without titles and tail logo; stored.
00/12/1992G-IEADat Teeside; stored.
00/01/1993G-IEADat Teeside; both engines removed and sent to Rolls Royce at Derby.
00/05/1993G-IEADat Teeside; both engines installed.
26/05/1993G-IEADferried Teeside-London/Heathrow; for maintenance.
27/05/1993G-IEADat London/Heathrow; inside British Airways hangar.
14/07/1993G-IEADferried London/Heathrow-Southend; for repaint.
28/07/1993G-IEADat London/Stansted in full Air Columbus c/s.
00/07/1993G-IEADlease to Air Columbus - not taken up.
02/08/1993G-IEADat London/Stansted in full Air Columbus c/s.
03/08/1993G-IEADrepainted in all white c/s.
08/08/1993G-IEADat London/Stansted in all white c/s with 'Alan Austin Air' sticker and tail logo.
15/08/1993G-IEADat London/Stansted in all white c/s again.
02/11/1993G-IEADarr London/Heathrow in all white c/s; for maintenance.
14/12/1993G-IEADferried Teeside-Lasham.
15/12/1993G-IEADregistration TF-FIK applied on aircraft.
29/12/1993G-IEADregistration cancelled.
29/12/1993TF-FIKlt Icelandair (from Sunrock Aircraft Corporation); ferried Lasham-Keflavik.
12/02/1994TF-FIKat Salzburg in all white c/s without titles.
05/05/1994TF-FIKret Sunrock Aircraft Corporation; ferried Keflavik-London/Gatwick.
10/05/1994G-SRJGlt & rgd to Ambassador Airways Ltd.
15/05/1994G-SRJGferried London/Gatwick-London/Heathrow as AMY9651 in all white c/s.
20/05/1994G-SRJGr/o at London/Heathrow in full Ambassador Airways c/s.
26/05/1994G-SRJGin service: Manchester-Kavala.
27/11/1994G-SRJGlast service: Paphos-London/Luton.
30/11/1994G-SRJGrepossessed by Sunrock Aircraft Corporation.
27/02/1995G-SRJGferried London/Luton-Shannon in basic Ambassador Airways c/s.
03/04/1995G-SRJGat Shannon in full Istanbul Airlines c/s; wearing registration TC-AJA.
06/04/1995G-SRJGregistration cancelled.
06/04/1995TC-AJAlt Istanbul Airlines; ferried Shannon-Istanbul.
00/01/1999TC-AJAret Sunrock Aircraft Corporation.
01/02/1999TC-AJAat London/Stansted; inside FLS hangar with "National" titles.
09/02/1999N506NAlt National Airlines.
10/02/1999N506NArgd to First National Bank of Utah.
19/02/1999N506NAat Victorville in full National Airlines c/s.
27/09/2000N506NAbt CIT Leasing Corporation; opb National Airlines on lease.
17/10/2000N506NArgd to CIT Leasing Corporation, New York, NY.
06/11/2002N506NANational Airlines ceased operations.
00/00/2002N506NAarr Greensboro; for storage.
12/04/2002N506NAat Greensboro; stored.
25/11/2003N506NAlt Avianca Colombia.
26/11/2003N506NAferried Greensboro-Bogota; for repaint.
05/12/2003N506NAin service; ***Date also marks 84th Anniversary of Avianca***
08/10/2008N506NAat Bogota in 2005 Avianca c/s (repainted after 25/06/2006).
08/10/2009N506NAat Bogota in basic Avianca c/s; for lease return.
09/11/2009N506NAferried Bogota-Miami in basic Avianca c/s.
00/00/2009N506NAferried Miami/MIA-Little Rock/LIT; for part out and scrapping.
22/12/2009N506NAregistration cancelled.
00/00/2010N506NAscrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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