MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0295
EnginesPratt & Whitney PW2040
Mode SAA1446
24/05/1990D-ABNEroll out.
20/06/1990D-ABNEfirst flight.
18/06/1990D-ABNEat Renton.
24/06/1990N35153at Boeing Field.
12/07/1990D-ABNEdel Condor.
13/07/1990D-ABNEarr Frankfurt on ferry flight from U.S.A.
17/07/1990D-ABNErgd to Lufthansa Leasing GmbH & Co Delta KG/Condor.
27/07/2000D-ABNEr/o at Hamburg in 1999 Condor c/s.
22/11/2001D-ABNEferried Frankfurt-Lasham; for storage.
23/11/2001D-ABNEat Lasham; stored.
02/04/2002D-ABNEat Lasham inside hangar; undergoing maintenance.
10/06/2002D-ABNEat Lasham; stored.
03/02/2003D-ABNEat Laham; stored.
17/05/2003D-ABNEperformed a 2 hour local test flight at Lasham as CFG670.
19/05/2003D-ABNEferried Lasham-Frankfurt as CFG671 in basic Condor c/s with "Thomas Cook" titles, "powered by Condor" titles on aft fuselage and Thomas Cook tail logo.
20/05/2003D-ABNEin service: Frankfurt-Las Palmas as CFG3854.
19/11/2004D-ABNEregistration cancelled.
19/11/2004RA-73007bt Center-Capital, Russia; ferried Frankfurt-Ulyanovsk as MOV9674 in basic Condor c/s without titles and tail logo.
00/11/2004RA-73007lt Vim Airlines.
12/02/2010RA-73007at Accra in basic Vim Airlines c/s with "United Nations" titles and a large "UN" on left side tail, coded 'UN152'.
06/06/2010RA-73007at Moscow/Domodedovo in full Vim Airlines c/s.
20/04/2011RA-73007ferried Tashkent-Maastricht/Aachen; for repaint.
28/04/2011RA-73007ferried Maastricht/Aachen-Hahn in 2012 Vim Airlines c/s.
00/12/2011RA-73007at Hahn with extra "Air Bashkortostan" titles; stored.
15/07/2012RA-73007at Hahn with extra "Air Bashkortostan" titles; stored.
27/07/2013RA-73007at Hahn with extra "Air Bashkortostan" titles; stored.
22/10/2013RA-73007at Hahn with extra "Air Bashkortostan" titles; stored; missing both engines.
04/02/2014N749DBbt & rgd to Aerolease 3 LLC, Davie, FL.
25/08/2014N749DBat Hahn; stored; still wearing registration RA-73007.
23/05/2015N749DBat Hahn; missing both engines, radome and several other parts.
00/00/2015N749DBat Hahn; for part-out and scrapping by Haitec.
10/08/2015N749DBscrapping completed.
16/03/2018N749DBregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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