MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0162
Type28A F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SACA251
22/12/1987G-OOOCroll out.
28/01/1988G-OOOCfirst flight.
10/03/1988G-OOOCdel International Lease Finance Corporation.
10/03/1988G-OOOClt Air 2000.
11/03/1988G-OOOCarr London/Luton; for interior outfitting.
13/12/1990G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
14/12/1990C-FXOCsub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines.
16/12/1990C-FXOCferried London/Luton-Gander as CMM952.
19/12/1990C-FXOCrgd to Canada 3000 Airlines.
26/04/1991G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
29/04/1991G-OOOCret Air 2000.
13/12/1993C-FXOCrgd & sub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines.
14/12/1993G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
15/12/1993C-FXOCferried London/Luton-Toronto.
13/04/1994C-FXOCret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-London/Luton.
14/04/1994G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
09/12/1994G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
10/12/1994C-FXOCsub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines; ferried London/Luton-Toronto.
15/12/1994C-FXOCrgd to Canada 3000 Airlines Ltd.
07/04/1995C-FXOCret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-London/Luton (arrived 08/04/1995).
10/04/1995G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
15/12/1995G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
15/12/1995C-FXOCsub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines; ferried London/Luton-Toronto.
14/04/1996C-FXOCret Air 2000; ferried Amsterdam-London/Luton.
15/04/1996G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
13/12/1996G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
13/12/1996C-FXOCsub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines.
14/12/1996C-FXOCferried Manchester-Toronto as CMM952.
10/04/1997C-FXOCret Air 2000; arr Manchester.
10/04/1997G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
15/04/1997G-OOOCin service; in old c/s.
12/12/1997G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
12/12/1997C-FXOCsub-lt Canada 3000 Airlines.
14/12/1997C-FXOCferried Manchester-Toronto.
09/04/1998C-FXOCret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-Manchester as CMM951.
09/04/1998G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
11/04/1998G-OOOCin service: Manchester-Alicante.
19/11/1998G-OOOCinto FLS Hangar; prepared for lease to Royal Aviation.
10/12/1998G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
10/12/1998C-FRYLsub-lt & rgd to Royal Aviation Inc.
12/12/1998C-FRYLbt Babcock & Brown/NBB; lease to Air 2000 continues; sub-lt Royal Aviation continues.
12/12/1998C-FRYLferried Manchester-Montreal/Dorval as ROY1067.
26/04/1999C-FRYLret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-Manchester as ROY1010 (arrived 27/04/1999).
27/04/1999G-OOOCrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
29/04/1999G-OOOCin service: Manchester-Nice.
17/11/1999G-OOOCat Copenhagen with "Air 2000" titles on right side only; "Alletiders" titles on left side (Alletiders Rejser is a Danish tour operator and the aircraft will be based at Copenhagen till Spring 2000 t5o operate charters to Las Palmas, Bangkok and other destinations).
00/05/2003G-OOOCret BBAM.
30/05/2003G-OOOCregistration cancelled.
01/06/2003C-FTDVto be stationed at Dublin and flown by Skyservice pilots (for Air 2000).
04/06/2003C-FTDVlt & rgd to Skyservice Airlines Inc.
02/11/2003C-FTDVlast service: Arrecife-Dublin as AMM439D; ferried Dublin-London/Luton as AMM439F for maintenance.
19/11/2003C-FTDVferried London/Luton-Toronto in basic Air 2000 c/s with "Skyservice" titles.
17/12/2003C-FTDVat Calgary in basic Air 2000 c/s with "Skyservice" titles and "Signature" titles on aft fuselage.
00/05/2005C-FTDVat Toronto in basic First Choice c/s with "Skyservice" titles and "Signature" titles on aft fuselage.
01/05/2006C-FTDVferried Toronto-London/Luton as SSV339F; for maintenance.
18/05/2006C-FTDVferried London/Luton-Toronto as SSV209F.
13/05/2007C-FTDVarr Manchester; for summer operation with First Choice Airways.
23/12/2007C-FTDVferried Manchester-Toronto as SSV392F; for operation with Skyservice Airlines.
03/11/2008C-FTDVregistration cancelled.
03/11/2008N913FDbt Federal Express Corporation (from Crawley Corporation Ltd.).
04/11/2008N913FDrgd to Federal Express Corporation.
06/11/2008N913FDferried London/Luton-Shannon-Bangor as FDX9011.
08/11/2008N913FDferried Bangor-Mobile as FDX9011; for conversion to freighter.
22/11/2009N913FDconversion to freighter completed.
08/02/2014N913FDat Amsterdam; named "Brayden".
Marcel van Noordenne

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