MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0130
Type28A F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SAB3990
20/03/1987G-OOOBroll out.
15/04/1987G-OOOBfirst flight.
27/04/1987G-OOOBdel Air 2000.
28/04/1987G-OOOBarr Manchester.
01/11/1987G-OOOBlt British Airways; ferried Manchester-London/Heathrow as BA9604P.
00/01/1988G-OOOBat Manchester/MAN in Air 2000 c/s with "British Airways" titles and no tail logo.
23/04/1988G-OOOBret Air 2000; ferried London/Heathrow-Manchester.
14/12/1988C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines.
01/05/1989G-OOOBret Air 2000.
05/12/1989C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines.
03/04/1990C-FOOBret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-London/Luton as MMF931.
05/04/1990G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
05/12/1991G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
09/12/1991C-FOOBlt & rgd to Canada 3000 Airlines.
03/04/1992G-OOOBret Air 2000.
25/04/1992G-OOOBin service: Manchester-Malaga.
09/12/1992C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines.
10/12/1992G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
13/04/1993C-FOOBret Air 2000.
14/04/1993G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
17/12/1993G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
17/12/1993C-FOOBlt & rgd to Canada 3000 Airlines.
11/04/1994C-FOOBret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-London/Luton.
13/04/1994G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
13/12/1994C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines; ferried London/Luton-Toronto.
14/12/1994C-FOOBrgd to Canada 3000 Airlines Ltd.
26/04/1995C-FOOBret to Air 2000.
20/05/1995C-FOOBat Salzburg with small 'Canada 3000' sticker.
17/07/1995C-FOOBat Manchester in full Air 2000 c/s.
14/11/1995G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
21/11/1995G-OOOBr/o at Manchester as G-OOOB; entered service.
12/12/1995C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines.
17/04/1996C-FOOBret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-London/Luton.
17/04/1996G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
09/12/1996G-OOOBferried Manchester-Eindhoven as AMM757M;l for repaint.
12/12/1996G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
15/12/1996C-FOOBr/o at Eindhoven; ferried Eindhoven-Toronto as CMM952.
13/01/1997C-FOOBat Orlando in all white c/s with "Canada 3000" titles & tail logo.
09/04/1997C-FOOBret Air 2000.
15/04/1997G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
04/05/1997G-OOOBat Manchester in all white c/s with new "Air 2000" titles & First Choice logo on forward fuselage.
16/12/1997G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
16/12/1997C-FOOBlt Canada 3000 Airlines.
21/04/1998C-FOOBret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-Manchester as CMM951.
22/04/1998G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
16/12/1998G-OOOBlt Royal Aviation; ferried Manchester-Toronto as ROY32F (still as G-OOOB in Air 2000 c/s).
16/12/1998C-FRYHrgd to Royal Aviation.
22/03/1999C-FRYHret Air 2000; ferried Toronto-Manchester as ROY757P.
22/03/1999G-OOOBrgd to Air 2000 Ltd.
24/03/1999G-OOOBbt Chemical Bank; opb Air 2000 on lease.
01/07/1999G-OOOBbt Pembroke Group Ltd. opb Air 2000 on lease.
13/01/2004G-OOOBcompany renamed First Choice Airways.
00/10/2004G-OOOBret to lessor.
00/11/2004G-OOOBferried Manchester-Norwich; for repaint.
15/11/2004G-OOOBr/o at Norwich in full Astraeus c/s.
00/11/2004G-OOOBferried Norwich-Manchester (at or before the 21/11/2004).
00/11/2004G-OOOBlt Astraeus.
26/11/2004G-OOOBferried Manchester-Southend as AEU001P; for maintenance.
30/11/2004G-OOOBferried Southend-London/Gatwick as AEU002P.
10/12/2004G-OOOBrgd to Astraeus Ltd., Gatwick.
00/10/2007G-OOOBret to lessor.
31/10/2007G-OOOBbt Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
01/11/2007G-OOOBferried Lasham-Shannon-Jacksonville/VQQ; for conversion to freighter.
02/11/2007G-OOOBregistration cancelled.
02/11/2007N822PBrgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
26/10/2008N822PBat Jacksonville/VQQ in basic Astraeus c/s without engines; stored.
00/00/2009N822PBconversion to freighter completed.
14/03/2009N822PBperformed a local test flight at Jacksonville/VQQ.
26/04/2009N822PBlt Arrow Air/Arrow Cargo; ferried Jacksonville/VQQ-Miami as APW822.
30/06/2010N822PBArrow Air ceased operations.
13/08/2010N822PBferried Miami-Marana as APW822; for storage.
08/12/2011N822PBbt MP Arrow Leasing Ltd.
08/12/2011N822PBbt Aersale Inc.
05/01/2012N822PBrgd to Aersale Inc., Coral Gables, FL.
17/01/2012N822PBferried Marana-Roswell.
08/04/2012N822PBat Roswell in full Arrow Air c/s; missing right engine; stored.
20/05/2013N822PBregistration cancelled.
00/00/2013scrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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