MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0078
Type236 F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535C
Mode S40065F
24/09/1985G-BIKUroll out.
23/10/1985G-BIKUfirst flight.
07/11/1985G-BIKUdel British Airways; named "Inverary Castle".
08/11/1985G-BIKUarr London/Heathrow as BA9695P.
13/11/1985G-BIKUfirst service: London/Heathrow-Milan/Linate.
00/00/199_G-BIKUat London/Heathrow with extra "The World's biggest offer" titles.
23/09/1994G-BIKUat Hamburg with extra "Fly New Club Europe" titles.
29/09/1998G-BIKUafter completion of pushback at London/Heathrow, the tug driver raised the cab of his tug before ensuring that it was clear of the aircraft. The cab struck the aircraft fuselage causing minor damage to the skin of the forward electrical bay.
30/06/1999G-BIKUat Rotterdam with 'One World' sticker near front door.
27/102001G-BIKUlast service: Lisbon-London/Heathrow as BA499 (TT: 33015 hours; 24499 cycles).
01/12/2001G-BIKUferried London/Heathrow-Mobile.
06/12/2001G-BIKUrgd to Barclays Mercantile Business Finance Ltd., Basingstoke.
25/09/2002G-BIKUferried Mobile-East Midlands in red/white DHL c/s as DHK009 (arrived 26/09/2002).
02/10/2002G-BIKUrgd to DHL Air Ltd., Diegem.
02/12/2002G-BIKUferried East Midlands-Brussels as BCS827.
05/07/2009G-BIKUat Leipzig in yellow/red DHL c/s (repainted after 27/04/2009).
28/05/2016G-BIKUlast service: Barcelona-Lisbon as BCS8532; ferried Lisbon-Madrid as BCS8533; for part out and scrapping.
00/01/2017G-BIKUscrapping completed.
31/01/2017G-BIKUregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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