MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0076
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SAC72F8
00/00/1985VT-EJAIndian Airlines; not taken up.
04/09/1985N601RCroll out.
11/12/1985N601RCfirst flight.
19/12/1985N601RCdel Republic Airways.
30/12/1985N601RCrgd to Columbia Willamette Leasing.
21/01/1986N601RCrgd to Meridian Trust Company.
01/10/1986N601RCRepublic Airways merged into Northwest Airlines.
29/04/1987N601RCbt Boeing.
12/06/1987N601RClt America West Airlines.
00/11/1987N901AWAmerica West Airlines; '901'; re-rgd.
19/08/1994N901AWthe headset operator was distracted for undetermined reasons during pushback at Phoenix and was run over by nose wheel. Ground witnesses said he failed to maintain a position at least 10 feet from the airplane's nose wheel as his employer required. The headset operator was in charge of the pushback, and was hired in the previous month and completed the operator's course of ramp safety/pushback instruction. This was his first unsupervised experience.
20/09/1997N901AWat Phoenix in a slightly modified 'Arizona Flag' c/s; named "City of Phoenix" (left side) & City of Tucson" (right side).
30/12/1999N901AWrgd to First Union National Bank; opb America West Airlines on lease.
03/06/2002N901AWrgd to Wachovia Bank; opb America West Airlines on lease.
27/09/2005N901AWAmerica West Airlines merged with US Airways in US Airways.
29/10/2007N901AWferried Phoenix-New Iberia/Acadiana Regional as AWE9212; for repaint.
15/11/2007N901AWferried New Iberia/Acadiana Regional-Phoenix in 2007 US Airways c/s (arrived 16/11/2007).
05/01/2010N901AWrgd to US Bank, Morristown, NJ; opb US Airways on lease.
09/12/2013N901AWUS Airways merged with American Airlines into American Airlines.
25/08/2015N901AWbt US Airways Inc.
26/08/2015N901AWrgd to US Airways Inc.
30/12/2015N901AWrgd to American Airlines Inc.
22/08/2016N901AWlast service: Phoenix-Charlotte as AAL1976.
23/08/2016N901AWferried Charlotte-Phoenix as AAL9634.
24/08/2016N901AWferried Phoenix-Goodyear as AAL9634 (TT: 105056 hours; 36114 cycles); for lease return and storage.
06/11/2016N901AWat Goodyear/GYR in US Airways c/s with titles painted out and tail logo partially painted out; stored.
08/03/2017N901AWrgd to Jetran LLC, Horseshoe Bay, Tx.
24/03/2017N901AWrgd to Sundown Aircraft LLC, Knoxville, TN.
14/04/2017N901AWat Goodyear/GYR.
08/05/2017N901AWregistration cancelled.
00/00/2017N901AWscrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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