MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0117
Type225 F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode SA92552
03/11/1986N525EAroll out.
14/12/1986N525EAfirst flight.
19/12/1986N525EAdel Eastern Air Lines; '525'.
28/12/1989N525EAbt United Aviation Services Inc.
10/01/1990N525EAarr London/Stansted with grey tail c/s & no titles.
24/01/1990N525EAarr Manchester; for maintenance.
01/02/1990N525EAbt LTU (Lufttransport Unternehmen).
02/02/1990N525EAat Manchester in basic red LTU Sud c/s with "LTE" titles.
10/02/1990N525EAlt LTE International Airways,
13/02/1990N525EAferried Manchester-Palma.
26/02/1990EC-390LTE International Airways; re-rgd.
08/05/1990EC-ETZLTE International Airways; re-rgd.
04/11/1991EC-ETZferried Las Palmas-London/Gatwick; for maintenance.
20/11/1991EC-ETZferried London/Gatwick-Las Palmas.
28/10/1993D-AMUKret LTU Sud.
09/11/1993D-AMUKat Hamburg in basic LTE c/s with "LTU Sud" titles.
05/03/1995D-AMUKarr London/Heathrow; for maintenance and repaint by British Airways.
18/03/1995D-AMUKdep London/Heathrow in LTU Sud c/s.
01/11/1997D-AMUKret LTU.
23/04/1998D-AMUKat Dusseldorf in LTU Sud c/s with "LTU" titles.
21/12/1999D-AMUKbt Unicapital Air Group; opb LTU on lease.
21/07/2000D-AMUKbt LCP LTU LLC; opb LTU on lease.
30/03/2001D-AMUKr/o at Hamburg in full Atlas International c/s; ferried Hamburg-Munich.
21/05/2001D-AMUKret to lessor.
21/05/2001D-AMUKregistration cancelled.
22/05/2001TC-OGBlt Atlas International (from GATX); ferried Munich-Istanbul.
30/07/2001TC-OGBat Stuttgart; named "Perihan".
09/05/2003TC-OGBat Hannover in full Atlas International c/s with "Atlasjet International titles & small "" titles.
06/01/2005TC-OGBsub-lt Air Astana; ferried Istanbul-Almaty.
11/04/2005TC-OGBat Almaty.
00/05/2005TC-OGBret Atlasjet.
26/05/2005TC-OGBat Frankfurt with blue/gold cheatline, red "Atlasjet" titles, new red tail c/s & 'Jetmil' sticker on rear fuselage.
20/10/2006TC-OGBferried Istanbul-Southend in full Atlasjet c/s.
30/10/2006G-LSAFrgd to Ltd.
00/12/2006G-LSAFregistration applied around the 18th.
05/01/2007G-LSAFregistration cancelled.
05/01/2007N689GXrgd to East Trust - Sub 2 (Wilmington Trust Company).
10/01/2007N689GXat Southend wearing registration TC-OGB.
12/01/2007N689GXregistration N688GX applied by mistake.
13/01/2007N689GXat Southend in Atlasjet c/s; parked.
09/03/2007N689GXbt & rgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
10/03/2007N689GXferried Southend-Bangor-Jacksonville (VQQ); for conversion to freighter.
16/07/2007N689GXregistration cancelled.
00/07/2007PR-LGKlt VarigLog.
19/07/2007PR-LGKferried Jacksonville-Miami-Rio de Janeiro as LC9831.
08/03/2008PR-LGKferried Ilha de Sal-Jacksonville (VQQ); for lease return.
01/05/2008N689GXrgd to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest.
26/10/2008N689GXat Jacksonville in faded VarigLog c/s; stored.
18/07/2009N689GXlt Arrow Air/Arrow Cargo; ferried Jacksonville-Miami in full Arrow Air c/s.
30/06/2010N689GXArrow Air ceases operations.
00/07/2010N689GXret to lessor.
19/08/2010N689GXferried Miami-Marana as APW689; for storage.
08/12/2011N689GXbt MP Arrow Leasing Ltd (from Wells Fargo Bank Northwest).
08/12/2011N689GXbt Aersale Inc.
30/12/2011N689GXferried Marana-Roswell in Arrow Air c/s.
05/01/2012N689GXrgd to Aersale Inc., Coral Gables, FL.
08/04/2012N689GXat Roswell; missing right engine; cockpit windows taped off; stored.
08/01/2018N689GXregistration cancelled.
00/00/2018N689GXscrapping completed.
Marcel van Noordenne

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