MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0001
EnginesPratt & Whitney PW2037
Mode SAA340A
ConfigurationF22 testbed/prototype
13/01/1982N757Aroll out at Renton in front of 12000 guests and Boeing employees to the accompaniment of music, spotlights, artificial clouds and champagne!
18/02/1982N757Afirst flight.
23/02/1982N757Argd to Boeing.
19/02/1983N757Aengine change from Rolls Royce RB211-535E4 to Pratt & Whitney PW2037.
00/00/1991N757Abeing converted to have Lockheed F-22 nose, radar and representative wing section mounted above the cockpit.
28/06/1996N757Aat Boeing in military house c/s.
13/06/1997N757Aat Boeing Field; modified with nosecone of the F-22 fro trials & "Defense & Space Group" titles.
06/11/2000N757Abt Boeing Logistics Spares Inc.; opb Boeing on lease.
09/11/2000N757Argd to Boeing Logistics Spares Inc., Seattle, WA.
Marcel van Noordenne

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