MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0020
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535E4
Mode S4005C3
29/04/1983N510EAroll out.
03/06/1983N510EAfirst flight.
28/06/1983N510EAdel Eastern Air Lines; '510'.
18/01/1991N510EAEastern Air Lines stopped all activities at midnight.
11/03/1993N510EAat Las Vegas in basic Eastern Air Lines c/s without titles; stored.
24/12/1993N510EAat Las Vegas in basic Eastern Air Lines c/s without titles; stored.
13/10/1994N510EAbt Airfleet Credit Corporation.
03/02/1995N510EAarr London/Luton on ferry flight from U.S.A.
06/02/1995N510EAregistration cancelled.
06/02/1995G-MCEAlt Airtours International.
24/03/1995G-MCEAin service: Birmingham-Tenerife.
03/12/1997G-MCEAsub-lt Spanair; dep London/Luton in basic Airtours c/s with "Spanair" titles.
30/04/1998G-MCEAret Airtours International; ferried Palma-Manchester; in service: Manchester-Lanzarote.
30/05/1998G-MCEAat Palma; still wearing "Spanair" titles.
00/00/1998G-MCEASpanair titles removed.
27/12/1999G-MCEAarr Southend; for repaint.
13/01/2000G-MCEAr/o at Southend in Airtours International c/s.
01/05/2002G-MCEAcompany renamed MyTravel Airways.
00/05/2002G-MCEAat Manchester in basic Airtours c/s with "My Travel" titles, "" titles on rear of fuselage and no tail logo.
16/04/2004G-MCEAat Manchester in basic Airtours c/s with "MyTravel" titles. "" titles on rear fuselage and big white "MY" letters on tail (applied after 12/04/2004).
31/01/2005G-MCEAat Lasham; stored (arrived after 15/01/2005).
04/03/2005G-MCEAat Lasham in basic Airtours c/s without titles and tail logo; stored.
13/05/2005G-MCEAat Lasham in basic Airtours c/s without titles and tail logo; stored.
03/06/2005G-MCEArgd to Parkhead Leasing & Sales Ltd., Georgetown, Cayman Islands.
23/07/2005G-MCEAat Lasham; scrapping in progress.
27/09/2005G-MCEAscrapping completed.
01/11/2005G-MCEAregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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