MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0034
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535C
Mode SAD39AA
19/02/1984G-BIKNroll out.
14/03/1984G-BIKNfirst flight.
00/03/1984G-BIKNBritish Airways - not taken up.
00/03/1984G-BNEPAir Europe - not taken up.
27/03/1984G-BPGWdel Air Europe; named Anna-Marie".
28/03/1984G-BPGWrgd to Air Europe Ltd.; ferried Boeing Field-London/Gatwick.
03/04/1989G-BPGWarr London/Stansted; for repaint.
06/04/1989EC-265dep London/Stansted.
10/04/1989EC-265sub-lt Air Europa.
24/05/1989EC-EOKAir Europa; re-rgd.
03/07/1990EC-EOKferried Palma-London/Gatwick as AOE563; ferried London/Gatwick-London/Stansted as AOE001P.
04/07/1990G-BPGWrgd to Air Europe Ltd.
05/07/1990G-BPGWferried London/Stansted-London/Gatwick as AOE002E.
14/10/1990G-BPGWarr Southend; for repaint.
20/10/1990G-BPGWr/o at Southend in all white c/s; ferried Southend-London/Heathrow for maintenance.
26/10/1990G-BPGWferried London/Heathrow-London/Gatwick as AOE002E.
01/11/1990G-BPGWbt Aeronautics Leasing Inc.
02/11/1990G-BPGWregistration cancelled.
02/11/1990YV-78Clt Avensa; ferried London/Gatwick-New York/JFK-Caracas as AVE590P in all white c/s without titles.
17/04/1993YV-78Cat New York/JFK with "Panama Air" titles on the nose of aircraft.
13/06/1994YV-78Csub-lt Servivensa.
31/08/1994YV-78Cret Avensa.
31/08/1994YV-78Cret Aeronautics Leasing Inc.; stored at Las Vegas.
23/09/1994N270AEbt American Express Bank.
08/10/1994N270AEat Las Vegas in all white c/s with blue cheatline and without titles; still wearing YV-78C; stored.
17/11/1994N270AEat Las Vegas in all white c/s with blue cheatline and without titles; still wearing YV-78C; stored.
23/03/1995N270AEferried Goose Bay-London/Stansted.
00/06/1995N270AEregistration cancelled.
14/06/1995EC-845lt Air Europa; ferried London/Stansted-Palma (on lease from Finova).
09/08/1995EC-GCAbt Finova Capital Ltd.; opb Air Europa on lease.
15/10/1997EC-GCAsub-lt Iberia in full Iberia c/s.
29/04/1999EC-GCAbt PALS I Inc., San Fransisco, CA; opb Air Europa on lease/sub-lease to Iberia.
21/06/2000EC-GCAferried Norwich-London/Luton.
22/06/2000EC-GCAat London/Luton in all white c/s without titles.
19/08/2000EC-GCAferried London/Luton-Bangor as AEA001.
20/08/2000EC-GCAat Tucson in all white c/s.
25/08/2000N951PGret PALS I Inc.
09/09/2000N951PGat Tucson in all white c/s with small Spanish flag on rear fuselage; still wearing EC-GCA; stored.
10/10/2000N951PGat Tucson; now wearing N951PG; stored,
31/05/2001N951PGlt Avianca Colombia; dep Tucson.
02/07/2001N951PGat Bogota in all white c/s.
00/00/2001N951PGflying in all white c/s with "Avianca" titles.
00/12/2001N951PGrepainted at Bogota in full 'Alianza Summa' c/s.
20/06/2003N951PGret Pegasus Aviation; ferried Bogota-Atlanta.
11/07/2003N951PGferried Miami-Goodyear as AVA951; for storage.
28/07/2003N951PGat Goodyear in basic Alianza Summa c/s without titles and tail logo; stored.
12/10/2003N951PGlt Avianca Colombia; ferried Goodyear-Bogota as AVA3951
14/10/2003N951PGin service in Alianza Summa c/s.
05/01/2004N951PGat Miami in full c/s.
31/01/2004N951PGret to Pegasus.
26/06/2004N951PGat Goodyear.
21/07/2004N951PGferried Goodyear-Honolulu-Guam in white/grey c/s without titles (arrived 22/07/2004).
23/07/2004N951PGregistration cancelled.
26/07/2004N951PGat Bangkok.
01/08/2004N951PGat Bangkok with "One-Two-Go by Orient Thai" titles and tail logo; still wearing basic Alianza Summa c/s.
00/08/2004HS-OTBlt Orient Thai Airlines (One-Two-Go).
15/12/2004HS-OTBat Bangkok with extra "Long Live the King" titles (in Thai).
00/04/2006HS-OTBret to lessor.
24/04/2006HS-OTBregistration cancelled.
27/04/2006N951PGrgd to PALS I Inc., San Fransisco, CA.
09/09/2006N951PGferried Roswell-Miami.
18/03/2007N951PGat Miami in basic One-Two-Go Airlines c/s without titles or tail logo; missing parts and engines.
06/05/2007N951PGat Miami in basic One-Two-Go Airlines c/s without titles or tail logo; being worked on.
14/07/2007N951PGat Miami in basic One-Two-Go Airlines c/s without titles or tail logo; missing parts and engines.
21/09/2007N951PGbt The Memphis Group.
20/04/2008N951PGat Miami in basic One-Two-Go Airlines c/s without titles or tail logo.
00/00/2008N951PGhave to assume that this aircraft has been scrapped at Miami as no sightings have been reported after 20/04/2008.
06/08/2013N951PGregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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