MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0024
Type236 F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535C
Mode S400654
11/08/1983G-BIKHroll out.
20/09/1983G-BIKHfirst flight.
18/10/1983G-BIKHdel British Airways; named "Richmond Castle".
19/10/1983G-BIKHferried Boeing Field-London/Heathrow as BA9607P.
23/05/1998G-BIKHferried London/Heathrow-London/Stansted as BA9283P; for repaint.
30/05/1998G-BIKHferried London/Stansted-London/Heathrow as BA9267P in new British Airways c/s with "Golden Khokhloma" tail c/s.
31/05/1998G-BIKHin service: London/Heathrow-Stockholm/Arlanda as BA772.
22/10/1998G-BIKHaircraft was hit by a belt luggage loading vehicle at London/Heathrow; the captain observed the vehicle with its front wheel off the ground and its forward end in the forward baggage hold; there was substantial damage to the forward cargo hold and door.
22/03/2001G-BIKHlast service: Milan/Linate-London/Heathrow as BA569 (TT: 35345 hours; 26915 cycles).
18/04/2001G-BIKHbt & rgd to European Air Transport N.V., Zaventem, Belgium.
12/01/2002G-BIKHferried Mobile-East Midlands in red/white DHL c/s (arrived 13/01/2002).
13/01/2002G-BIKHferried East Midlands-Brussels.
14/01/2002G-BIKHregistration cancelled.
15/01/2002OO-DLPbt Boeing Capital Corporation.
15/01/2002OO-DLPlt & rgd to E.A.T. N.V.
20/08/2009OO-DLPat Helsinki in yellow/red DHL c/s (repainted after 19/07/2009)
26/03/2010D-ALEDrgd to EAT Leipzig GmbH.
00/06/2017D-ALEDferried Leipzig/LEJ-Madrid/MAD as BCS____? for part out and scrapping.
12/06/2017D-ALEDregistration cancelled.
12/06/2017G-BIKHrgd to DHL Air, Diegem, Belgium.
28/09/2017G-BIKHat Madrid/MAD: for part out and scrapping.
00/02/2018G-BIKHscrapping completed.
14/02/2018G-BIKHregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

One comment

  1. 757 G-BIKH (22179/0024)

    This aircraft arrived at London Stansted for repainting on 23 May 1998 flying London Heathrow – London Stansted as BA9283P.

    After roll out on 30 May 1998 this aircraft was ferried London Stansted – London Heathrow as BA9267P, its first flight with the Golden Khokhloma tail.

    The flight number of the London Heathrow – Stockholm Arlanda flight on the following day (31 May) was BA772.

    The last BA commercial flight of this aircraft was indeed Milan Linate – London Heathrow (BA569) but it was on 22 and not 20 March 2001.

    Its ferry flight starting on 12 January 2002 was indeed from Mobile Downtown (BFM) to East Midlands where it arrived on the 13th but the flight concluded with an East Midlands – Brussels leg later that day.

    All the best


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