MvN's Boeing 757 Website


Line number0013
Type236 F
EnginesRolls Royce RB211-535C
Mode S400585
24/11/1982G-BIKDroll out.
18/02/1983G-BIKDfirst flight.
10/03/1983G-BIKDdel British Airways; named "Caernarvon Castle".
11/03/1983G-BIKDferried Boeing Field-London/Heathrow as BA9604P; renamed 'Caernafon Castle'.
10/11/1983G-BIKDfirst visit of a British Airways 757 to Tel Aviv.
21/01/1985G-BIKDr/o at London/Heathrow in new British Airways c/s.
22/07/1998G-BIKDaircraft was hit by a motorised baggage conveyor at London/Heathrow at the rear cargo hold; the conveyor struck the sill of the cargo bay, which caused minor damage to cargo door seal and adjacent structure.
03/05/2001G-BIKDlast service: Glasgow-London/Heathrow as BA1499 (TT: 32252 hours; 32261 cycles).
09/05/2001G-BIKDperformed an air test at London/Heathrow as BA9278E.
04/06/2001G-BIKDbt Boeing Capital Corporation; ferried London/Heathrow-Mobile; for conversion to freighter.
08/06/2001G-BIKDrgd to European Air Transport, Zaventem, Belgium.
24/11/2001G-BIKDat Mobile; being converted to freighter.
28/02/2002G-BIKDferried Mobile-Brussels in red/white DHL c/s (arrived 01/03/2002).
11/03/2002G-BIKDregistration cancelled.
12/03/2002OO-DLQlt & rgd to European Air Transport N.V. (from Boeing Capital Corporation).
14/02/2009OO-DLQat Oporto in yellow/red DHL c/s (repainted after 12/11/2008).
26/03/2010D-ALECrgd to EAT Leipzig GmbH.
23/12/2016D-ALECferried Brussels-Madrid as BCS8288; for part out and scrapping.
04/01/2017D-ALECregistration cancelled.
05/01/2017G-BIKDrgd to DHL Air, Diegem, Belgium.
01/11/2017G-BIKDregistration cancelled.
Marcel van Noordenne

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